Entity name | Value |
Account | 1 |
AccountLeads | 16 |
ActivityMimeAttachment | 1001 |
ActivityParty | 135 |
ActivityPartyRollupByAccount | 4603 |
ActivityPartyRollupByContact | 4604 |
ActivityPointer | 4200 |
Annotation | 5 |
AnnualFiscalCalendar | 2000 |
Appointment | 4201 |
AttributeMap | 4601 |
BulkImport | 4407 |
BulkOperation | 4406 |
BulkOperationLog | 4405 |
BusinessUnit | 10 |
BusinessUnitMap | 6 |
BusinessUnitNewsArticle | 132 |
Calendar | 4003 |
CalendarRule | 4004 |
Campaign | 4400 |
CampaignActivity | 4402 |
CampaignActivityItem | 4404 |
CampaignItem | 4403 |
CampaignResponse | 4401 |
Commitment | 4215 |
Competitor | 123 |
CompetitorAddress | 1004 |
CompetitorProduct | 1006 |
CompetitorSalesLiterature | 26 |
ConstraintBasedGroup | 4007 |
Contact | 2 |
ContactInvoices | 17 |
ContactLeads | 22 |
ContactOrders | 19 |
ContactQuotes | 18 |
Contract | 1010 |
ContractDetail | 1011 |
ContractTemplate | 2011 |
CustomerAddress | 1071 |
CustomerOpportunityRole | 4503 |
CustomerRelationship | 4502 |
Discount | 1013 |
DiscountType | 1080 |
DocumentIndex | 126 |
Email | 4202 |
EntityMap | 4600 |
Equipment | 4000 |
Fax | 4204 |
FilterTemplate | 30 |
FixedMonthlyFiscalCalendar | 2004 |
ImportConfig | 4408 |
Incident | 112 |
IncidentResolution | 4206 |
IntegrationStatus | 3000 |
InternalAddress | 1003 |
Invoice | 1090 |
InvoiceDetail | 1091 |
KbArticle | 127 |
KbArticleComment | 1082 |
KbArticleTemplate | 1016 |
Lead | 4 |
LeadAddress | 1017 |
LeadCompetitors | 24 |
LeadProduct | 27 |
Letter | 4207 |
License | 2027 |
List | 4300 |
ListMember | 4301 |
MonthlyFiscalCalendar | 2003 |
Opportunity | 3 |
OpportunityClose | 4208 |
OpportunityCompetitors | 25 |
OpportunityProduct | 1083 |
OrderClose | 4209 |
Organization | 1019 |
OrganizationMap | 7 |
OrganizationUI | 1021 |
PhoneCall | 4210 |
PluginType | 4602 |
PriceLevel | 1022 |
PrincipalObjectAccess | 11 |
Privilege | 1023 |
PrivilegeObjectTypeCodes | 31 |
Product | 1024 |
ProductAssociation | 1025 |
ProductPriceLevel | 1026 |
ProductSalesLiterature | 21 |
ProductSubstitute | 1028 |
QuarterlyFiscalCalendar | 2002 |
Queue | 2020 |
QueueItem | 2029 |
Quote | 1084 |
QuoteClose | 4211 |
QuoteDetail | 1085 |
RelationshipRole | 4500 |
RelationshipRoleMap | 4501 |
Resource | 4002 |
ResourceGroup | 4005 |
ResourceSpec | 4006 |
Role | 1036 |
RolePrivileges | 12 |
RoleTemplate | 1037 |
RoleTemplatePrivileges | 28 |
SalesLiterature | 1038 |
SalesLiteratureItem | 1070 |
SalesOrder | 1088 |
SalesOrderDetail | 1089 |
SavedQuery | 1039 |
SemiAnnualFiscalCalendar | 2001 |
Service | 4001 |
ServiceAppointment | 4214 |
ServiceContractContacts | 20 |
Site | 4009 |
StatusMap | 1075 |
StringMap | 1043 |
Subject | 129 |
Subscription | 29 |
SystemUser | 8 |
SystemUserLicenses | 13 |
SystemUserPrincipals | 14 |
SystemUserRoles | 15 |
Task | 4212 |
Team | 9 |
TeamMembership | 23 |
Template | 2010 |
Territory | 2013 |
UnresolvedAddress | 2012 |
UoM | 1055 |
UoMSchedule | 1056 |
UserFiscalCalendar | 1086 |
UserQuery | 4230 |
UserSettings | 150 |
24 November 2011
CRM 4 Entity Type Codes
The following table gives the entity type codes for each of the vanilla entities in Dynamics CRM 4:
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