10 May 2010

Add a Button To a CRM 4.0 Form

There are some instances where it would be nice to be able to add a button straight on the CRM form. Unfortunately CRM doesn't provide a button control that can be added to the form. The alternative is to include the functionality to the menu-bar via the ISV.Config.

This blog will show you how to add a button to the form. This is a bit of smoke and mirrors really as we'll made a CRM attribute to appear to be button. The finished result looks like this:

The following steps will guide you through how the above was achieved:

1. Add a new text attribute to your entity, for this example it was called new_button. I set the maximum text length to 5, but the length is unimportant to this functionality.

2. Add a new section to the form, change the section formatting to 4 columns.
CRM Section Formatted to 4 columns

3. Add the new text attribute (new_button) to the new section that's just been created.

4. Change the Field Properties for new_button and ensure that Display Label on Form is un-checked.
CRM Attribute properties

5. The next step is to make the text-box look like a button, add the following to the form onLoad :

//Define the button style
var buttonStyle="font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 11px; line-height: 18px; height: 20px; width: 84px; text-align: center; cursor: pointer; border: 1px #3366CC solid; background-color: #CEE7FF; background-image: url('/_imgs/btn_rest.gif'); background-repeat: repeat-x; border: 1px #3366CC solid; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px;";

//Set the style

6. Now we need to set the button text:

//Set the button text, and don't allow it to be edited
crmForm.all.new_button.contentEditable = false;

7. Finally the button needs to do something so we'll add the following:

//Define what the button is going to do
buttonClicked = function()
alert("Upload process started");

//Set the button's on-click event

The above example will work for CRM 3.0 as well but you'll need to change the style to make it fit in.

As of version 4.0.10 the SDK provided stylesheets to allow any custom development to match the CRM look and feel. Download the SDK here. Once unpacked look at the sdk\stylesheet folder details.

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